0401 705 228
Here at The Backyard Beekeeper we strive for all our customers to "Bee Wiser". We have a strong education and tutoring approach so we can ensure the success of all new beginner beekeeper's in the hope that you are just as passionate about bees as we are! We provide a range of services have a scroll through and see if there is something for you!
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to keep up to date with everything bees!

Bee Nuc Supply,
Delivery & Tutoring
A great start up for those who have just obtained a new Bee hive as we are experts in all hives and how to get the best results.
Package includes a minimum of 5 frames of bees including new season queen bee.(nuc), hands on installation of Bee's into your new bee hive, up to 2hrs of tutoring and our unique BeeRight guarantee.

Beginners Setups
Our beginners setups are perfect for those wishing to begin their beekeeping journey in their own backyard.
We offer a wide range of services and hive setups (from Langstroth Hives to the ever popular Flow (TM) Hives to our newest addition of HiveIQ Hives).
All our packages include up to TWO HOURS of tutoring from The Backyard Beekeeper's team ensuring you start off on the right foot.
Contact us for pricing today!

Bees in Schools Program
Are you looking for an educational and informative beekeeping experience. We bring the bee's to your school in very unique, safe and engaging way for your students? We provide an interactive experience for children in all daycare and school environments with Live bees and honey and we are completely insured with blue cards for safety. The best part is kids LOVE it! Live bees, honey tasting, dress ups, the LOT! Contact us for an information kit for your school.

Swarm Removal
Our swarm service is offered to those who have found bees in inconvenient spaces such as trees, close to homes or other various locations required to be removed due to safety concerns.
Our team come in, remove the bees safely and efficiently, with the confidence we are a registered and insured business!
Contact us today for a quote!
Bees in Schools

DFA Inspections- Pest and Disease inspections incl varroa.
It is a minimum legislative requirement that two comprehensive inspections are recorded for each hive a beekeeper owns in accordance with Bio-security legislation
This service is a complete service that will conduct an inspection of your hives and complete a report compliant to the legislation. It includes Varroa Alcohol wash, Full brood frame inspections removing the bees to identify any disease or pest issues. A report will be sent to you with findings and recommendations for any possible improvement.